Linda M James

Sunday, 9 December 2012


I've just had my website up-dated with a blog and wasn't going to use this blog site any more but I like it so I will!

I hope you will follow my news on my website:

You'll see a link to The People's Book Prize under Books section of The Day Of The Swans.

Two weeks ago it was nominated, now it's been short-listed. So exciting. If you are intrigued by the book, I hope you'll vote for it. You'll see two chapters from the novel on the site.

Saturday, 24 November 2012


This has been a good few days for me: last week I was nominated for The People's Book Prize and this week the video of my book launch in Canterbury has just been put up on You Tube.  Here's the link:

I hope you watch it and perhaps those of you living in the UK will be able to forget the awful rain and wind we’re having at the moment. It makes me regret not appreciating the clear blue skies I used to see every morning [ it seemed] when I looked out of the bedroom window of my beautiful Maltese Villa so many years ago. It’s strange how we only seem to be able to truly appreciate something when it’s gone, or is that just me?
I envy people living in sunnier climates at this time of the year. Oh, for the spring to arrive…

Sunday, 18 November 2012


I meant to put some more chapters from The Red Body Stocking on my blog a couple of weeks ago but I’ve been away staying in a beautiful part of the New Forest and haven’t had the time. When I returned I discovered that my book THE DAY OF THE SWANS had been nominated for the People’s Book Prize which is wonderful. I’ll know on 1st December whether it’s been selected or not, but having a nomination is great. I’ll tell you what happens after the 1st.

I’m having masses of positive feedback to Swans; everyone seems to find it gripping which is all an author can ask for. I hope whoever reads this blog enjoys it too and tells me.

On 13th January, 2013, I’ll be running more writing workshops at The Horsebridge Centre in Whitstable, Kent. Here’s a link to the details.

Thursday, 11 October 2012


Hello again

I had another book launch in Tunbridge Wells on Tuesday which went very well as people seem intrigued by “The Day Of The Swans” and it’s now on many reading group lists. After a lovely meal with friends, I stayed with one of them. When we got back to her place, we sat in front of a large fire, drinking a superb bottle of Chablis and talking late into the night. [Such decadence – I love it!] I didn’t get to sleep until nearly 5 a.m. as my brain was an over-load of conversations and images. Then I woke up at 7.30 a.m.  So very little sleep.

My friend lives outside Tunbridge Wells in an ancient farmhouse which is haunted. Part of it dates back to 13th century and there’s a bricked up door in the music room. As she was getting dressed the next morning, I asked if I could play her baby-grand piano which has the most amazing decorations on it like a Chinese painting. As I was playing, I heard the sound of a latch being lifted behind me and I thought my friend had walked in. I stopped playing and turned around expecting to see her but there was no one else. What unnerved me was the door into the music room was wide open and there’s no latch on it. When she did come in to find out why I’d stopped playing as she was enjoying it, I told her what I’d heard. She told me that the ghost always came into the room when her husband played the piano and usually through the bricked up wall!!

The piano was angled in a corner and anyone who played it had their back to the bricked up door so  I found it too unnerving to continue playing. When I’d walked into the room the atmosphere was good which was strange. I would love to play her beautiful piano again, but don’t know if I have the courage to do so. I am now left wondering who this music-loving ghost was. Very intriguing, isn’t it?  

More extracts from "The Red Body Stocking" next week.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012


Last Thursday I had the first musical  book launch Waterstones has ever had. I was launching my psychological thriller “The Day Of The Swans.” A musical book launch is a very unusual event, but the manager of Waterstones in Rose Lane, Canterbury discovered that I was a member of the Maridadi Community Choir and asked me if some of them would come and sing at the event and some of them did! It was a wonderful feeling for me as I’ve only been a member of the choir for six months and yet they gave up their precious time to sing at my event which made it incredibly special for me.   

The event was filmed so once the video has been edited, I’ll put up a link to it on my website and here so that you can watch it and tell me what you think of it. 

A number of people emailed to say they had enjoyed the first chapter of The Red Body Stocking, so I'll be posting some more chapters in the next few days.