Linda M James

Wednesday, 13 November 2013


On Thursday, 14th November there is a drinks reception and panel discussion between the journalist Val Hennessy, Peggy Riley, Thomas Emson and myself to highlight next year's Whitstable Festival and to talk about the knotty problem of how to plot a book.

Do have a look at this link which highlights Whitstable, the famous writer Somerset Maugham who lived in Whitstable and the forthcoming festival.

Something to look forward to during the dark days of winter.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Hope you can come to a number of events I'm involved with in Tunbridge Wells.
This coming weekend, there's a two day event for book lovers and writers on Friday, and Saturday [8th and 9th November] between 9-6 pm at Royal Victoria Place shopping mall, TN1 2SS. I'll be there on Friday afternoon to answer questions about anything you've ever wanted to know about writing.
I'm back again in Tunbridge Wells for a book launch on Tuesday, 12th November at Waterstones at 7.15 pm where I'll be talking about my books and how to break into the publishing world. Here's a link to this lively event:
 Hope if you're in the UK you can come to Tunbridge Wells to meet me.