Linda M James

Tuesday, 18 August 2015


People always ask me how long it has taken me to write a book. It depends on many things but the most important for me is the period in which I set a novel. Obviously if I place my characters in a past age, I need to research that period extensively.

I spent six months researching for my WW II novels as they were written before the internet became a great source of information. But not all the information you need to write a story that comes alive can be found on the internet. Diaries and letters from the period open a large gateway into the past. I knew how people felt and all the sensory details they experienced by reading personal letters and diaries at The Imperial War Museum Library. Only then did I know exactly how my characters would think, act and speak. The research took as long as writing my novels - six months each!

Tuesday, 4 August 2015


I'm starting a new writing course on 6th September at the Horsebridge Centre, Whitstable, Kent.

It's a great centre of creativity. People come from all over Kent and the surrounding areas to see art exhibitions and listen to plays, comedy and music. This is on top of all the classes that are run there.

If any of you visit the area, it's well worth a visit.

And perhaps I'll meet some of you in my future courses. I hope so.