Linda M James

Thursday, 17 May 2012


 Have you ever wondered why some people become writers? I do constantly. It’s an occupation which offers most of those who do it no or little reward for hours and hours of work and yet, I and thousands of people like me get up every day and type long lines of words on a blank computer screen. I got up today at 5.30 am because I couldn't sleep. I write in my head most of the time and sometimes the words have to be written down before I forget them so I am forced to get up, totally exhausted, before they disappear.
Here’s how I imagine an interview with an alien reporter would go like. [ A  reporter who's been asked by the Intergalactic Council to research occupations on Planet Earth.]
Alien Reporter: So, what work do you do?
Me: I write.
A.R. Write what?
Me: Words.
A.R. That is not very helpful, is it? The Intergalactic Council is not interested in vague statements, but specific details to help us with our mission.
Me: I write stories and novels and screenplays and poems.
A.R. And how many hours a day do you spend on this futile occupation?
Me: It varies. Sometimes about 4 hours a day and sometimes-
A.R. And how much money do you earn doing this strange occupation?
Me: That’s a very personal question.
A.R. That is what I have been asked to ask by the Council. How much?
Me: Not a lot.
A.R. How much?
Me: (mumbling) about £3,000 if I’m lucky.
A.R. And that is enough for everything a human needs for a month?
Me: A year.
A.R.  That answer will surprise the Council. I have been given misinformation by another human being. He said humans needed at least £10,000 a month to live well.
Me: (very surprised) £10,000!  Was he a banker?
A.R. (very surprised) I did not know that some of you were clairvoyant.
Me: I didn’t know that bankers could live on so little.
A.R. Is that an example of a human joke?
Me: No.
And so the interview rambles on until I see what the alien sees: a person who is totally barking/off her trolley/ mad as a hatter/.   Choose which ever words please you most.  
Of do you become nuts because you write? It’s a pithy question which if solved could half the rates in psychiatric wards and save the NHS a small fortune.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. No, I didn't remove it, Kevin. Honestly! Linda

  2. I agree, we must be mad, however, I find writing so satisfying, the creativity and sense of achievement that I have when I finish for the day is great. I owe it to my characters anyway, to put in the hours and do the best that I can for them. We can only hope that one day it will be those same characters who go out and earn a living for us.
    Does that make sense or am I really just mad? :-)

    1. I love the idea of your characters going out to earn a living for you. Now that's what I call a REAL character! No, you're not mad, just imaginative.
